Saturday, March 5, 2011

Getting in shape!

Yippy! I finally have a treadmill! Not your ordinary one either! Its a Nordic track! Lets just say from the info I read online I will burn more calories and build muscle faster with a Nordic track than a regular treadmill! I started on Thursday, walking about 5 minutes everyday. I know its only Saturday but i must tell you all that I am up to seven minutes! Yeah! I am so out of shape its really not funny!

I have also been trying to eat right... less carbs... more greens... etc! So far I'm feeling pretty good but I am going through a sugar withdraw! UGH! Sugar is my weak point. I have substituted honey when I'm in desperate need and that holds me over. It doesn't last terribly long but it gets me through.
I am excited that I actually ate breakfast this morning! I am not a morning eater and I like to graze in the afternoon  so this whole breakfast thing is... well... new for my stomach. I have oats with peaches this morning! Yummy!

On a different note, we were helping my dad clean out the barns at the other farm that is being sold yesterday. Oh... how depressing... and yet a blessing I do think. There won't be that work load that he (my father ) will have to worry about and the cows will be coming to Alan's family farm.
Here are a few pictures I snapped yesterday

Alan talking on his cell while on the job!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Talking to Jarred, I'm guessing?? :) Good luck with the Nordic Track....a few more weeks and I can start getting back in shape too!