Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Dude!

Yesterday my little boy turned ONE! 
I know everyone says "Where does the time go???", but really where does it go! My little dude has grown so fast and I am LOVING the little farm boy he's becoming! 

He LOVES dirt, tractors, animals and anything outdoors! The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree, I guess! I look at him and I'm amazed at this little miracle that God entrusted to us! Both he and his sister give Al and I such joy!

Little quirks about the birthday boy! 

  • He LOVES to streak through the house and squeal while we chase him!
  • Soil ... what little boy doesn't love soft, freshly plowed soil! 
  • He has a "thing" for toilet paper! Every chance he gets, he's got a role and is shredding it... like a mad cat!
  • He will know more about computers than me when he's three. He already has a girlfriend... Her name is Siri. 
  • The boy can bust a move! Almost every time a "bouncy" song comes on the radio, he's shakin' it!
  • He point to something he wants. I guess he figured it was easier to tell us what he wants instead of screaming...
  • Green beans don't stand a chance. They are gone before they touch his tray.... if you catch what I mean!
  • He adores his sister! So much so that the occasional head butt is necessary to get her attention to play! 
  • His favorite game is "catch me if you can". It seems to work really well when snagging one of sissy's horses when she's not looking! Then its a mad dash before she tackles (gently might I add!)

Happy birthday funny boy! 

                                   Rhya  (about 1 1/2 yrs)                               Isaac 1 yr

Rhya (about 1 yr) and Alan

Isaac (1 yr) and Alan

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chili Pepper

Last week we had a slew of calves born which Included a set of twin bull calves. These guys are a little on the early side and small! Rhya has taken a GREAT interest in these two and named one Chili. I guess she got that from "Horseland" (a t.v. show she watches on Netflix)and little Chili is far FAR from being a horse! At least the spice is the correct color! 

So after she picked Chili, we only thought it would be best to name the other Pepper. They both have enough "kick" to stay alive this long and we have our fingers crossed they make it! 

Seeing Rhya's interest in caring for these two makes me wonder what she will be when she grows up. Flashing back to when I was her age, I wonder if my parents thought the same thing? I'm sure they did! I remember when my dad gave me my first cow! A black angus I chose to name Rosie. I loved her! She wasn't very friendly but that small fact that she was mine was enough to make a 5 year old happy! I wonder how many kids that age would have loved a cow for a present? Not to many I presume? 

From an early age my sister and I were taught the facts of farm life. These animals were given as gifts from God for food, milk, clothing etc. So when it was time for Rosie to go to the butcher shop, I let her go. I was sad but it had to be done. I distinctively remember pulling "Rosie burgers" out of our freezer and being thankful for the tasty burgers! This is how I was raised. To be thankful for the food we are so blessed with raising and my children will learn this very same lesson. 

We just sent one of Rhya's "pet" heifers for homemade hot dogs, hamburger and steaks. Every time she eats a hot dog she remarks about how yummy bella is. One particular lunchtime Rhya said "Thank you Jesus for Bella". OH MY HEART! She said this with conviction and I know I need to be more serious when thanking our savior for what he provides! I am amazed at what a little 3 1/2 year old can teach me! Its moments like these that reassure me that I'm teaching her right... at least in one area! 

Chili and Pepper will meet this same fate in a short while, when their much bigger. Every year we have calves come and go but their always a few that just stick to your heart. I am hoping that when the time comes Miss Rhya will view it the same as she is with Bella... With a thankful heart!