Sunday, January 10, 2010

Baby Dedication...

Well... Rhya is 4 months old and I have been thinking a lot about a baby dedication... I feel that right now is not the right time for our family to have one... but I also feel the need to do one ASAP!!! Why the rush????? The way we are raising Rhya isn't going to change just because we don't have a dedication right now. I have promised to myself that I would raise my children in the presence of the lord... nothing will change that. I know it is an important tradition in the church and a part of me wants to know why??? Not a bad thing but, I am the kind of girl that likes to do research!!!!

Right now I feel that God is pushing for me to put together a service that is suitable for a baby dedication. Maybe its practice for the plans he has for me, or maybe he trying to get my attention.
I am not sure...

What do I do when I'm not sure??? Well... the first thing I did was pray and meditate on it... Then I called my grandparents. The people who "know" everything!!!!! My grandmother gave me some comforting advice and encouraged me to keep praying. She also helped me to understand why we have baby dedications. Its like a marriage... the parents are making a promise to God in front of their family and friends that they are going to raise their child in a Christian home. Also the grandparents and congregation promise to help and encourage the parents as they raise their child.

I have heard from many sources that it takes a community to raise a child and I couldn't agree more!

On a lighter note... picture this... Alan stretched across the floor with Rhya... both facing each other and having a conversation! Yes I know Rhya cant talk yet but she definitely likes to make her point known! She is smiling, giggling, and talking to her daddy! What a beautiful sight! There is no question of where God is in this house.

1 comment:

kensiegrist said...

the parents are making a promise to God in front of their family and friends that they are going to raise their child in a Christian home. Also the grandparents and congregation promise to help and encourage the parents as they raise their child.

You hold the key to baby dedication! Couldn't have said it better! :)