Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A hard lesson learned! Part 1

Many of you have been keeping up with the buzz around our home recently, but for those who have no clue, I'll fill you in. 

Alan is one of those guys who cannot say no when someone asks for help (which is what makes him an amazing man and I support his willingness to help those in need). He received a call from a neighbor who needed help with a piece of machinery and Alan willingly agreed to help as soon as he could. (This is Monday, before lunch)

When he arrived home after the machine was repaired, he explained how he was hammering a piece of metal and he felt something hit his eye. He could also see a "floater" or black spot and was slightly worried. We decided it would be in his best interested to see a doctor just in case there would be any damage to his eye. 
(Did I mention he felt no pain and his eye wasn't irritated.)

Alan and his mother headed to "Med-Express" (around 1:30pm). After seeing a doctor, he was told to go home there wasn't anything to worry about. Alan insisted there was something wrong and finally the doctor made an appointment to see a specialist at the health campus. I talked with Alan's mother as they were waiting to see the specialist and she promised to keep me updated throughout the process. (Why didn't I go along? ... If the cows could milk themselves I would have gone! I was fretting, worried and wishing I could have been there with Alan.)

Then my phone rang... 

"Go home and get a shower" Alan's mother said to me over the phone. 

My heart literally felt like it stopped and time stood still for a moment...... 

"Alan needs surgery ASAP, you need to get home as fast as you can and get a shower NOW, we're coming to pick you up!" 

I cannot tell you how sick I felt in that first few minutes... It was almost unbearable! I thought I might have even passed out! 

I literally took the fastest 2 minute shower I had ever taken ( I don't think I had all the soap washed out of my hair either!)

We headed to Hershey Medical Center around 4pm only to be told that all the retina specialist were away for training. We were directed to Holy Spirit Hospital (About 1 hour from home) where there was a specialist waiting for us. Once the doctor examined Alan's eye they decided they would schedule surgery for the following day (Tuesday around 2:30pm). We headed home, got antibiotics and tried to rest our nerves for the following day.

To be Continued.........

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