Monday, October 24, 2011

What goes around, comes around? Or does it?

Do you believe in this statement?

 I don't think I do anymore. I have been struggling with this "statement" for the last week or so. Its a hard pill to swallow and some days I feel like I may just "throw it back up", if you know what I mean. 

There's no such thing as perfect people or a perfect life.

 I know this and yet why have I been wondering why people who are trying to live a life for Christ are always being pushed around because another is greedy or self centered. It angers me and I know I must, MUST let it go. 

Our family has been "pushed" around quite a lot within the last few years. I don't just mean Alan and I but his family as well as mine. Through our jobs, friends and even family members. Its hard to deal with this lack of support. I know I sound all depressed or negative but I don't think people really understand where our family has been and what we are still dealing with. 

After Alan's eye accident we were left with a pile of bills and since our health insurance deductible is high we have to shell out a lot just to pay those bills. Some days we don't know how we're going to make it the next month and when someone makes the comment like " Well at least you have health insurance..." Yes we have health insurance and yes we are grateful for it but you don't say that to someone who is already struggling with the bills they already have let alone add the doctor bills. It's like rubbing salt in a wound. That person also could have "helped" and it felt as though they thought we didn't need it because we had health insurance.  

I get tired of people telling me that we're rich because we have a combine, hog barn and family farm. The income from all of these things go straight to bills. 
There are only scrim-pits left to live on and that's ok. 

We as a family appreciate the wonderful gifts that God has given us! Land to grow our own food, a combine to serve others, and hogs that do pay the bills so we can eat. 

We are healthy, happy and content where we are. 

We are not perfect and and there is no such thing as a perfect life. A life lived in Christ is as perfect as its going to get. There are ups and downs, we are constantly tested but its what we learn and how we grow from these trials that truly brings us closer to the only one that matters! 

I am learning and I am growing as is my husband. 



Sarah said...

My first thought in response to your title dilemma was: What goes around DOES come around, but you may not reap the rewards until you are in Heaven. (Galatians 6:7 and Matt 6:19-21) You said you've been wondering why Christians are always being pushed around and I think it's because that's how the enemy intends it to be. As long as you are trying to live a holy and righteous life, you are going to have trials and opposition and persecution. Our response has to be to run to the cross, lay down any hurt or offense and continue to pray for endurance and mercy and love for those that hurt us. What a good lesson to remind us that we NEVER know what goes on behind closed doors so to speak. A household may look to have it all together (big house, great kids, lots of things) but we all have our struggle. Maybe that perfect house is struggling with credit card debt or they've had 2 miscarriages or maybe they are unhappy in their marriage. You never know. Be quick to forgive and be sensitive when you speak. :) (oops this got really long!)

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah! I completely agree! I think this is one of those things that is my weak spot so I know Satin is going to attack it all the more. I also believe that the people who are living the "perfect" life also may not be in a relationship with Christ or are not where they should be and satin doesn't feel he needs to attack them bc he already has them in his"grasp"... If you know what I mean... That's of course not always the case...
It's hard! I have my days that are up and down and it could be all these hormones that are "out of whack" ! Lol!