Monday, June 28, 2010

What we've been up to!

Hey there everyone! We finally have a source of Internet for now! Yeah!
Here's what Rhya is up to now-a-days!

She is everywhere! Sometimes I think she's dancing to the Winnie the pooh song "up down touch the ground..." You know the rest! Lol! She is constantly standing up the squatting back down. One of these days she's going to start walking... Yep I said it! She's gonna be walking! I can't believe it! She's already taken a few steps but she doesn't know she's doing it!
Rhya LOVES big people food! She will boycott her baby food just so she can have a bite of pizza... Mac n cheese... Cheeseburgers... Ice cream... You name it, she's had it! She hasn't had any trouble with any foods but carrots... Her stomach just can't handle them :(
We had her 9 month "well baby check up" two weeks ago and she is doing so amazingly well! She is 16 lbs 8 ozs and 29 inches tall! What a big girl!
Rhya is sooooooooo smart! Thanks to her aunts, Both Grammys, pap pap, and daddy! We are consistently telling her what things are and letting her explore! We have been teaching her the word "NO" since she started crawling and I'm proud to say she knows it but.... Not so proud that she has here mommy and daddy's strong will! Someday I know that trait will benefit her... I must trust that God will give Alan and I the knowledge we will need to teach her how to use her gift to please him. When Alan and I say "no", Rhya will turn and look at us with a big grin, and a look that says "oh yeah well what are you going to do about it" and keep touching whatever it is that she's not supose to. We then say no and flick her patties. She likes to throw a HUGE fit and then go right back and touch it again! It is draining when she does this three or four times but she does eventually learns...

So what have Alan and I been up to...

Alan is combining and loving every minute of it! The combine is doing extremly well the is year for him and he is so proud. He put so much time modifying and tweaking the machine until he has it running where he wants it to be!
Me... Well I've been working on a local dairy behind our farm and am enjoying it.
I've been helping Alan in the hog barn also... We have little pigs coming in now and we just finished putting all the mats, heat lamps and flipping the feeders earlier this evening.

Alan and I were finally able to get out on he boat for the first time this year and I'm pretty sure Alan is sore from wake boarding... He won't admit it but he was kinda of walking funny today! We had a blast with our good friends Jared and Sarah. Jarred is a very good wake boarder and I was able to get some really cool pictures of him attempting to do a flip.... On our way back it started to rain so jarred put a small canvas cover on the front of the boat for Sarah and I so we could try and stay dry... Key word, TRY! Alan was wake boarding and it started to rain buckets! Sarah and I are cramped up under this canvas thinking " boy we've got it pretty good" HA yeah right! It didn't take very long for the canvas top to start leaking like crazy! When we finally wiggled our way out we were soaked... Not as wet as the guys but def close!
We had such a fun time and I want to thank Jarred and Sarah for being great friends! It is a blessing to be able to have good Christian friends close by!


Sarah said...

We love you guys too. Thanks for a fun night...let's do it again soon! :)

Unknown said...

I agree!