Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Where does the time go!

It seems like I haven't blogged in a while and I would more often if I had Internet... I am still using my parents for the time being until we get Internet of our own.
Rhya will be six months old on March 5th! Wow! I have been spending most of my days catering to her needs and haven't really taken the time around the house like I should. Its hard when you have a munchkin who keeps rolling over even though she doesn't like being on her belly! Its funny but can be frustrating at the same time. I have noticed, even though Rhya has been rolling over for a week, she is starting to push herself up into the crawling position! Yeah!

This past week has been difficult...
The unemployment drama is still continuing...There are so many questions I would love to ask but I know I will probably never get the chance....
I got a letter in the mail stating that my previous employers were appealing the referees decision, whether or not I should be granted benefits... So now the case goes to the Harrisburg Unemployment Office and they will determine whether or not there will be another hearing. I found false information on the letters and "evidence" that was submitted. There is nothing fr them to gain by having my benefits taken away... I am constantly praying for the peace and strength I will need with these upcoming weeks.

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