So I have decided to open this post to all of you who are following or at least reading my blog! Here's what I would like you to do ... Please leave me a question in a comment or message on facebook form... Then in a few days I will collectively answer those questions in one blog! If I have two many to answer then I will break them up into a few posts!
Here are a few example questions :)
1: what is my fav guilty food?
2: Looking back 10 years, what would I have changed?
3: What is my best personal quality?
Etc... You get the general idea! I am excited to see what kind of questions you all come up with!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sniffles and Snorts of all Sorts
It's that time of year folks! The time for runny noses, coughing, aches, stiff muscles and feeling like laying on the couch ALL day long!
Rhya caught a nasty cold and gave it to me! ACK!!!! Now I'm dealing with a grumpy baby, no sleep and a fever :(
I tried the thera flu stuff and yet I feel no different!
The good thing about a cold is... Nothing! Sorry I can usually find something good about almost every situation but a cold... Nope! Plus my creativity is slightly strained!
I'm not going to write a huge post but I figured I'd update everyone on what we are going to be up to the splendid holiday week!
So far this week we are doing to normal Christmas eve service... Not sure where yet... Then back to my parents to exchange gifts :) rhya has figured out how to open the gifts so now I must hide them!
Christmas day we will spend at my aunt and uncles which is a family tradition. We have been spending Christmas together for many many years!
Then the Sunday after Christmas we will spend the evening with Alans family :)
What fun! So many get togethers! I love this time of year!!!!!!
After this holiday season we have the big WEDDING! Yeppers! Kate is getting married !!!!!! Whoo Hooo!!!!!!!
Hopefully everybody will be feeling up to par by then :)
Rhya caught a nasty cold and gave it to me! ACK!!!! Now I'm dealing with a grumpy baby, no sleep and a fever :(
I tried the thera flu stuff and yet I feel no different!
The good thing about a cold is... Nothing! Sorry I can usually find something good about almost every situation but a cold... Nope! Plus my creativity is slightly strained!
I'm not going to write a huge post but I figured I'd update everyone on what we are going to be up to the splendid holiday week!
So far this week we are doing to normal Christmas eve service... Not sure where yet... Then back to my parents to exchange gifts :) rhya has figured out how to open the gifts so now I must hide them!
Christmas day we will spend at my aunt and uncles which is a family tradition. We have been spending Christmas together for many many years!
Then the Sunday after Christmas we will spend the evening with Alans family :)
What fun! So many get togethers! I love this time of year!!!!!!
After this holiday season we have the big WEDDING! Yeppers! Kate is getting married !!!!!! Whoo Hooo!!!!!!!
Hopefully everybody will be feeling up to par by then :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Up... Up... And... SPLAT
So... have any of you ever felt like you were on top of the world until ONE person says ONE mean, unsympathetic, and demeaning thing that brings you right back down to the ground were you started...
Well I had one of those moments... Today...
I have been struggling with my weight since high school... Up... Down... Up... Down and then back up. I was able to loose at least 10 pounds since rhya was born. I have about 10 more to go. Not to bad I thought. Yes it's been over a year since rhya was born and yes I'm only human... I enjoy chocolate every once in a while... Every girl does.
Why do people have to be so critical about how much weight you've put on or I'd you've lost it right away... I'm not one of those girls who can have a baby and you'd never know it.
I am stuck with extra skin I can't "loose". Thanks for reminding me... But before you start picking at me, have a baby and see where your at in a year... Yes I am angry but I don't hate you... I hate the skin, stretch marks and extra "winter insolation" I have.
I can't sleep on my side without pillows because the skin is heavy and hurts my stomach... I know there's some women out there that have the same issue... It's hard to be us somedays... We must always be reminding ourselves that god made us this way for a reason...
Thanks for being encouraging, uplifting, and kind (saying this sarcastically)
Next time think about what you say because it could hurt the people you love...
Well I had one of those moments... Today...
I have been struggling with my weight since high school... Up... Down... Up... Down and then back up. I was able to loose at least 10 pounds since rhya was born. I have about 10 more to go. Not to bad I thought. Yes it's been over a year since rhya was born and yes I'm only human... I enjoy chocolate every once in a while... Every girl does.
Why do people have to be so critical about how much weight you've put on or I'd you've lost it right away... I'm not one of those girls who can have a baby and you'd never know it.
I am stuck with extra skin I can't "loose". Thanks for reminding me... But before you start picking at me, have a baby and see where your at in a year... Yes I am angry but I don't hate you... I hate the skin, stretch marks and extra "winter insolation" I have.
I can't sleep on my side without pillows because the skin is heavy and hurts my stomach... I know there's some women out there that have the same issue... It's hard to be us somedays... We must always be reminding ourselves that god made us this way for a reason...
Thanks for being encouraging, uplifting, and kind (saying this sarcastically)
Next time think about what you say because it could hurt the people you love...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Seasons Blessings!
We (Alan and I) have so much to be thankful for!
Every year I LOVE sending out christmas cards as a thank you for all the love and support from our family and friends! There is no other internet printing website I wouldn't trust more than SHUTTERFLY!!!!!!!!!! I got all my Christmas cards last year from them and was so pleased! I was also given many compliments on how nice the card was! I am so excited to send Christmas cards this year!!!!!!! Here is the link/address :
I noticed I wonderful friends blog post about Shutterflys 50 FREE prints! Yes I said it!!!!!!!! FREE!!!!! Yippie! So I filled out the form here
And am now praying that God will provide and we won't have to cut people from our Christmas card list! God does provide! Theres no question about it!
I also want to share that shutterfly is a great place to get your photo books, regular prints from wallet size up to canvas size prints! I am so excited to someday be able to do my own wedding album designed just the way I like it! Theres so many options and great prices!
Go check it out!
I am also excited about shutterflys personalized calendars!!!!!!! They make awesome Christmas gifts and are a neat way to remember those special moments over the last year in the upcoming year!!!!! Here is the link / address so go check it out ! I promise you will find something you like!!!!!
Now onto updates from the family!
Rhya is her normal mischievous self... Getting into everything! She's been on the table, cleaned all the papers off the computer desk, dumped baking soda all over the kitchen floor... Ack! And your all probably thinking where was I when all of this was happening! Well let's just say I was either washing dishes, used the bathroom for a quick second( thinking how much trouble could she get in in a few seconds) even cleaning up a mess she left in the living room! The little stinker keeps me on my toes!
Alan is doing what he does best! Pigs, cows, combine... Etc :) oh yes and lots of tires! We are excited that his tire business has taking off like crazy! It's funny when he calls to order tires and they already know who he is before he introduces himself! The pigs are going out this month so we will be getting little piggies right in the beginning of the year! We had/have five loads this week which means a lot (1000) pigs go to hatfeild ! Yummy! So if your having ham for Christmas, you can think of us! The farmers your supporting!
As for me... I'm running around like crazy after the little miss... Vacuuming cookie crumbs, scrubbing juice off the rugs, and sweeping baking soda off the tiles! Ha ha ha ! Plus keeping up with the laundry :( I hate laundry! It never ends! My husband goes through 2 pairs of socks a day! Ha! I never met anyone who makes me laugh like he does!
Heres a funny story to leave you with!
Alan and rhya were showering last night while I was making supper. I could hear the two of them laughing and an occasional squeal from rhya. Alan yelled for me to come look... I peeked through the door to see rhya covered in my shaving cream! Then Alan says... Watch this, and he proceeded to spray her with the shaving cream. She would then laugh and rub it around till it was fluffy! She then looked at me and smiled with her "I'm being funny scrunchy face" smile! What a precious moment!
Hopefully I will be able to blog more often now that it's getting cold outside!
Every year I LOVE sending out christmas cards as a thank you for all the love and support from our family and friends! There is no other internet printing website I wouldn't trust more than SHUTTERFLY!!!!!!!!!! I got all my Christmas cards last year from them and was so pleased! I was also given many compliments on how nice the card was! I am so excited to send Christmas cards this year!!!!!!! Here is the link/address :
I noticed I wonderful friends blog post about Shutterflys 50 FREE prints! Yes I said it!!!!!!!! FREE!!!!! Yippie! So I filled out the form here
And am now praying that God will provide and we won't have to cut people from our Christmas card list! God does provide! Theres no question about it!
I also want to share that shutterfly is a great place to get your photo books, regular prints from wallet size up to canvas size prints! I am so excited to someday be able to do my own wedding album designed just the way I like it! Theres so many options and great prices!
Go check it out!
I am also excited about shutterflys personalized calendars!!!!!!! They make awesome Christmas gifts and are a neat way to remember those special moments over the last year in the upcoming year!!!!! Here is the link / address so go check it out ! I promise you will find something you like!!!!!
Now onto updates from the family!
Rhya is her normal mischievous self... Getting into everything! She's been on the table, cleaned all the papers off the computer desk, dumped baking soda all over the kitchen floor... Ack! And your all probably thinking where was I when all of this was happening! Well let's just say I was either washing dishes, used the bathroom for a quick second( thinking how much trouble could she get in in a few seconds) even cleaning up a mess she left in the living room! The little stinker keeps me on my toes!
Alan is doing what he does best! Pigs, cows, combine... Etc :) oh yes and lots of tires! We are excited that his tire business has taking off like crazy! It's funny when he calls to order tires and they already know who he is before he introduces himself! The pigs are going out this month so we will be getting little piggies right in the beginning of the year! We had/have five loads this week which means a lot (1000) pigs go to hatfeild ! Yummy! So if your having ham for Christmas, you can think of us! The farmers your supporting!
As for me... I'm running around like crazy after the little miss... Vacuuming cookie crumbs, scrubbing juice off the rugs, and sweeping baking soda off the tiles! Ha ha ha ! Plus keeping up with the laundry :( I hate laundry! It never ends! My husband goes through 2 pairs of socks a day! Ha! I never met anyone who makes me laugh like he does!
Heres a funny story to leave you with!
Alan and rhya were showering last night while I was making supper. I could hear the two of them laughing and an occasional squeal from rhya. Alan yelled for me to come look... I peeked through the door to see rhya covered in my shaving cream! Then Alan says... Watch this, and he proceeded to spray her with the shaving cream. She would then laugh and rub it around till it was fluffy! She then looked at me and smiled with her "I'm being funny scrunchy face" smile! What a precious moment!
Hopefully I will be able to blog more often now that it's getting cold outside!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Update for a Month! (sorry it took sooooooooo long)
I have been thinking, praying and digging in the bible over the last month more than I ever have! I'm feeling refreshed and ready to take on this new adventure :) Your all probably wondering what is this new adventure :) well... I am staring my own business! It's called Captured Moments by Ellen :) I am so excited to see where God is leading me and Alan! My husband is my BIGGEST supporter! Helping me with the equipment, noticing little things that I might not and just being a listening ear! Honestly I feel like we have grown closer since I started this business!
My sister was my first subject and it has snowballed in a GREAT way ever since then!
Although this a fun and great adventure, it is also an emotionally draining process. I constantly am thinking about if the business will thrive, will I be able to cover my bills, etc. I've also had people judge me for different reason I won't say on here. I have noticed how it is so hurtful for someone to accuse you of doing something that you are feeling called to do. Its really hard to explain.
My goal with my photography business is to bless people. Its as simple as that :)
My sister was my first subject and it has snowballed in a GREAT way ever since then!
Although this a fun and great adventure, it is also an emotionally draining process. I constantly am thinking about if the business will thrive, will I be able to cover my bills, etc. I've also had people judge me for different reason I won't say on here. I have noticed how it is so hurtful for someone to accuse you of doing something that you are feeling called to do. Its really hard to explain.
My goal with my photography business is to bless people. Its as simple as that :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I'm not perfect, neither are you!
No one is perfect, not one person can possibly know everything, and we make mistakes. If we were perfect and knew everything then what would our purpose be in life. I have run into some people throughout my 22 years of life that think they know everything and it's really sad! I have found that those people are lonely. They might not see it but you can tell by the way a person acts that there's a void that needs filled. The thing is... You can't tell them that. They know everything... Once a person is not humble, think they now everything, and doesn't take the time to learn and grow from the people around them. No one wants to be around them, let alone be their friend! Why would you want to be around someone if they are constantly challenging and criticizing what you say! It's emotionally draining! I have distanced myself from these kinds of people because I used to be like that. Now I'd like to say I wasn't as bad as others but I cant judge myself...
The thing with me is I won't comment if I don't know! I won't make something up because it sounds good, I admit if I have information wrong, and I want to learn from others :) I have grown so much since high school! I thank God for giving the gift of knowledge but I don't ever want to abuse that gift! There are people that use it to get their way... Make up things that a not true to move up in the world.
My whole life I have been taught to humble myself, admit when I'm wrong and ask for forgiveness. It's hard somedays, it never is easy.
I am constantly praying for those people who haven't grown the way I have through God. I also know that I am NEVER done learning from our creator. There's always something knew everyday :)
Thank you God for the good things and the bad things that I learn from everyday :)
The thing with me is I won't comment if I don't know! I won't make something up because it sounds good, I admit if I have information wrong, and I want to learn from others :) I have grown so much since high school! I thank God for giving the gift of knowledge but I don't ever want to abuse that gift! There are people that use it to get their way... Make up things that a not true to move up in the world.
My whole life I have been taught to humble myself, admit when I'm wrong and ask for forgiveness. It's hard somedays, it never is easy.
I am constantly praying for those people who haven't grown the way I have through God. I also know that I am NEVER done learning from our creator. There's always something knew everyday :)
Thank you God for the good things and the bad things that I learn from everyday :)
Friday, August 13, 2010
Random... So like me!
Sooooooo.... What to say... Or type!
Well, I have been canning like crazy this past week and I'm soooooo thrilled! I did some dill pickles, bread n butter pickles, relish, red beats and peaches! I am planning to do more pickles, red beats, peaches, applesauce, pears, green beans, grape juice and some pear juice :) busy... Busy... BUSY! All this canning get tiring but I keep telling myself that this winter I will be very thankful that I won't have to go to the grocery store in the freezing weather :) that's my hope!
Here are some cute stories that happened this week :)
Miss Rhya has a knack for climbing... I don't know where she gets it but it's definitely NOT from me! (I'm rather clumsy!)
While I was moving the freshly canned pickles from the counter to the table to free up some space, I noticed rhya was playing with her "walker". I had it placed right near the table, which looking back was pretty stupid! Anyway... I walked around the counter and began to wash dishes. About 2 minutes later I hear jars hitting the floor! I whirled around to find my sweet, innocent, little angel trying to climb from the table to the counter! I freaked out, ran around the counter and though..."wait.... I neeeeeeed to take a picture!" so I grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots before I rescued her from the table.(she didn't think she needed rescued but... How do you convince an 11 month old any different)
I also learned the Rhya does not like spiders! I wonder where she learned that! Ha ha ha! There was a small spider hanging out in it's web near our living room door. Rhya would not go near the door and would turn around and grab my leg if we got near it! So finally Alan disposed of the spider and Rhya slowly went to check it out. She peered around the corner and when she saw that the spire wasn't there, she acted normal! Weird, I know!
Tomorrow Alan and I are going away for our 2 year anniversary early. We going to tour some museums and just relax. It has been so long since we were able to go anywhere together and now we are finally able to get away! I'm so excited and yet I know I'm going to miss my little munchkin :( Even though not an extravagant vacation, Alan and I are so blessed to have people to care for the animals and take care of rhya while Alan and I have a day to ourselves :)
Well, I have been canning like crazy this past week and I'm soooooo thrilled! I did some dill pickles, bread n butter pickles, relish, red beats and peaches! I am planning to do more pickles, red beats, peaches, applesauce, pears, green beans, grape juice and some pear juice :) busy... Busy... BUSY! All this canning get tiring but I keep telling myself that this winter I will be very thankful that I won't have to go to the grocery store in the freezing weather :) that's my hope!
Here are some cute stories that happened this week :)
Miss Rhya has a knack for climbing... I don't know where she gets it but it's definitely NOT from me! (I'm rather clumsy!)
While I was moving the freshly canned pickles from the counter to the table to free up some space, I noticed rhya was playing with her "walker". I had it placed right near the table, which looking back was pretty stupid! Anyway... I walked around the counter and began to wash dishes. About 2 minutes later I hear jars hitting the floor! I whirled around to find my sweet, innocent, little angel trying to climb from the table to the counter! I freaked out, ran around the counter and though..."wait.... I neeeeeeed to take a picture!" so I grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots before I rescued her from the table.(she didn't think she needed rescued but... How do you convince an 11 month old any different)
I also learned the Rhya does not like spiders! I wonder where she learned that! Ha ha ha! There was a small spider hanging out in it's web near our living room door. Rhya would not go near the door and would turn around and grab my leg if we got near it! So finally Alan disposed of the spider and Rhya slowly went to check it out. She peered around the corner and when she saw that the spire wasn't there, she acted normal! Weird, I know!
Tomorrow Alan and I are going away for our 2 year anniversary early. We going to tour some museums and just relax. It has been so long since we were able to go anywhere together and now we are finally able to get away! I'm so excited and yet I know I'm going to miss my little munchkin :( Even though not an extravagant vacation, Alan and I are so blessed to have people to care for the animals and take care of rhya while Alan and I have a day to ourselves :)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Three Years With My Best Friend!
Three years ago on the fourth of August 2007, I met my best friend and soul mate. The past three years have been a blur! We were marred in September 2008 and had a beautiful daughter in September 2009! What a fun, scary, exciting, worrisome, and perfect journey. Yes, we've had our share of ups and downs and some would say that our family has been through more than we deserve, but we are so grateful to have each other to lean on through those moments. God is good...
I don't mean to brag or anything but I truly believe that I have the BEST husband a wife could ask for... Most days! From doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning to tending the hog barn, cows, garden, combining and field work. I don't think there's anything he won't do! We have not taken time away for ourselves since the honeymoon and we are thinking that we might take a weekend away sometime this fall. Although that isn't certain that we're going because finances are tight, We desperately need a break from our hectic lives so we can "re-connect" with each other.
Monday was my wonderful hubby's 29th birthday! We had a wonderful dinner out with his mother and sisters! We are so blessed to have family that are close! I surprised Alan with a new razor, since he had been complaining about his old one and the new KY kissable sensations! His face turned red and I won't forget the cheesy boyish smile he gave me! I am excited to see where God will lead us through our journey together!
I don't mean to brag or anything but I truly believe that I have the BEST husband a wife could ask for... Most days! From doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning to tending the hog barn, cows, garden, combining and field work. I don't think there's anything he won't do! We have not taken time away for ourselves since the honeymoon and we are thinking that we might take a weekend away sometime this fall. Although that isn't certain that we're going because finances are tight, We desperately need a break from our hectic lives so we can "re-connect" with each other.
Monday was my wonderful hubby's 29th birthday! We had a wonderful dinner out with his mother and sisters! We are so blessed to have family that are close! I surprised Alan with a new razor, since he had been complaining about his old one and the new KY kissable sensations! His face turned red and I won't forget the cheesy boyish smile he gave me! I am excited to see where God will lead us through our journey together!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
As most of you know i have been blessed with a little girl last September and will be a year old very soon! She walking all over the place and is getting into all sorts of things she shouldn't. Even though some days a long and stressful... It is nice to see her squinty smilie face and you know shes happy to see you. We've spent these past couple of weeks working in the garden, picking green beans, cleaning, tending the pigs and cleaning up the flower beds.
Through all of this I am sooooo tired and haven't found the energy to exercise. The worst part is I know I need to do it and if I don't I beat myself up mentally. I want so badly to loose this baby weight that Im driving myself crazy... Not eating much ... And am slightly depressed about it. I need prayer to keep my mind at ease but also to help my self control so that I don't overeat. I have a tendency to not eat much one day and then the next I'll snack all day. It's like an addiction that I can't get ride of.
On a lighter note I think I kept the two pounds off and have been working like a horse this week so I'm hoping I lost more! Other than rhya walking there's really nothing going on around here! Hopefully my next post will be more exciting!
Through all of this I am sooooo tired and haven't found the energy to exercise. The worst part is I know I need to do it and if I don't I beat myself up mentally. I want so badly to loose this baby weight that Im driving myself crazy... Not eating much ... And am slightly depressed about it. I need prayer to keep my mind at ease but also to help my self control so that I don't overeat. I have a tendency to not eat much one day and then the next I'll snack all day. It's like an addiction that I can't get ride of.
On a lighter note I think I kept the two pounds off and have been working like a horse this week so I'm hoping I lost more! Other than rhya walking there's really nothing going on around here! Hopefully my next post will be more exciting!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Step by Step
Rhya is walking! She's getting pretty good at it to! Alan and I laugh at her excitement about her new skill! She will stand and squeal with joy! I am overjoyed to watch my little girl grow and yet saddened by the fact that time flys soooooo fast!
There hasn't been much going on in my life recently. As most of you know our lives have been up and down over the last few years. Recently I have been really cutting back what o have been eating because my weight has gotten out of control... I don't know if it is all the hormones since having Rhya. Either way it's been almost a year and I haven't lost much of the baby weight. I've also noticed that my weight fluctuates like crazy... I'll loose a pound then gain a pound all within a week! It's terrible. I don't feel very good about it and am trying to change that! So far I have lost two pounds in about two weeks so I'm going in the right direction... I think... It has alway been a struggle for me and im hoping that someday I can feel good about myself... Someday...
Onto a lighter note ... We were able to go out on the boat a few time so far this summer and I was able to get some really cute pictures! Rhya and Emma enjoy the river just as much as we do!
There hasn't been much going on in my life recently. As most of you know our lives have been up and down over the last few years. Recently I have been really cutting back what o have been eating because my weight has gotten out of control... I don't know if it is all the hormones since having Rhya. Either way it's been almost a year and I haven't lost much of the baby weight. I've also noticed that my weight fluctuates like crazy... I'll loose a pound then gain a pound all within a week! It's terrible. I don't feel very good about it and am trying to change that! So far I have lost two pounds in about two weeks so I'm going in the right direction... I think... It has alway been a struggle for me and im hoping that someday I can feel good about myself... Someday...
Onto a lighter note ... We were able to go out on the boat a few time so far this summer and I was able to get some really cute pictures! Rhya and Emma enjoy the river just as much as we do!
Monday, June 28, 2010
What we've been up to!
Hey there everyone! We finally have a source of Internet for now! Yeah!
Here's what Rhya is up to now-a-days!
She is everywhere! Sometimes I think she's dancing to the Winnie the pooh song "up down touch the ground..." You know the rest! Lol! She is constantly standing up the squatting back down. One of these days she's going to start walking... Yep I said it! She's gonna be walking! I can't believe it! She's already taken a few steps but she doesn't know she's doing it!
Rhya LOVES big people food! She will boycott her baby food just so she can have a bite of pizza... Mac n cheese... Cheeseburgers... Ice cream... You name it, she's had it! She hasn't had any trouble with any foods but carrots... Her stomach just can't handle them :(
We had her 9 month "well baby check up" two weeks ago and she is doing so amazingly well! She is 16 lbs 8 ozs and 29 inches tall! What a big girl!
Rhya is sooooooooo smart! Thanks to her aunts, Both Grammys, pap pap, and daddy! We are consistently telling her what things are and letting her explore! We have been teaching her the word "NO" since she started crawling and I'm proud to say she knows it but.... Not so proud that she has here mommy and daddy's strong will! Someday I know that trait will benefit her... I must trust that God will give Alan and I the knowledge we will need to teach her how to use her gift to please him. When Alan and I say "no", Rhya will turn and look at us with a big grin, and a look that says "oh yeah well what are you going to do about it" and keep touching whatever it is that she's not supose to. We then say no and flick her patties. She likes to throw a HUGE fit and then go right back and touch it again! It is draining when she does this three or four times but she does eventually learns...
So what have Alan and I been up to...
Alan is combining and loving every minute of it! The combine is doing extremly well the is year for him and he is so proud. He put so much time modifying and tweaking the machine until he has it running where he wants it to be!
Me... Well I've been working on a local dairy behind our farm and am enjoying it.
I've been helping Alan in the hog barn also... We have little pigs coming in now and we just finished putting all the mats, heat lamps and flipping the feeders earlier this evening.
Alan and I were finally able to get out on he boat for the first time this year and I'm pretty sure Alan is sore from wake boarding... He won't admit it but he was kinda of walking funny today! We had a blast with our good friends Jared and Sarah. Jarred is a very good wake boarder and I was able to get some really cool pictures of him attempting to do a flip.... On our way back it started to rain so jarred put a small canvas cover on the front of the boat for Sarah and I so we could try and stay dry... Key word, TRY! Alan was wake boarding and it started to rain buckets! Sarah and I are cramped up under this canvas thinking " boy we've got it pretty good" HA yeah right! It didn't take very long for the canvas top to start leaking like crazy! When we finally wiggled our way out we were soaked... Not as wet as the guys but def close!
We had such a fun time and I want to thank Jarred and Sarah for being great friends! It is a blessing to be able to have good Christian friends close by!
Here's what Rhya is up to now-a-days!
She is everywhere! Sometimes I think she's dancing to the Winnie the pooh song "up down touch the ground..." You know the rest! Lol! She is constantly standing up the squatting back down. One of these days she's going to start walking... Yep I said it! She's gonna be walking! I can't believe it! She's already taken a few steps but she doesn't know she's doing it!
Rhya LOVES big people food! She will boycott her baby food just so she can have a bite of pizza... Mac n cheese... Cheeseburgers... Ice cream... You name it, she's had it! She hasn't had any trouble with any foods but carrots... Her stomach just can't handle them :(
We had her 9 month "well baby check up" two weeks ago and she is doing so amazingly well! She is 16 lbs 8 ozs and 29 inches tall! What a big girl!
Rhya is sooooooooo smart! Thanks to her aunts, Both Grammys, pap pap, and daddy! We are consistently telling her what things are and letting her explore! We have been teaching her the word "NO" since she started crawling and I'm proud to say she knows it but.... Not so proud that she has here mommy and daddy's strong will! Someday I know that trait will benefit her... I must trust that God will give Alan and I the knowledge we will need to teach her how to use her gift to please him. When Alan and I say "no", Rhya will turn and look at us with a big grin, and a look that says "oh yeah well what are you going to do about it" and keep touching whatever it is that she's not supose to. We then say no and flick her patties. She likes to throw a HUGE fit and then go right back and touch it again! It is draining when she does this three or four times but she does eventually learns...
So what have Alan and I been up to...
Alan is combining and loving every minute of it! The combine is doing extremly well the is year for him and he is so proud. He put so much time modifying and tweaking the machine until he has it running where he wants it to be!
Me... Well I've been working on a local dairy behind our farm and am enjoying it.
I've been helping Alan in the hog barn also... We have little pigs coming in now and we just finished putting all the mats, heat lamps and flipping the feeders earlier this evening.
Alan and I were finally able to get out on he boat for the first time this year and I'm pretty sure Alan is sore from wake boarding... He won't admit it but he was kinda of walking funny today! We had a blast with our good friends Jared and Sarah. Jarred is a very good wake boarder and I was able to get some really cool pictures of him attempting to do a flip.... On our way back it started to rain so jarred put a small canvas cover on the front of the boat for Sarah and I so we could try and stay dry... Key word, TRY! Alan was wake boarding and it started to rain buckets! Sarah and I are cramped up under this canvas thinking " boy we've got it pretty good" HA yeah right! It didn't take very long for the canvas top to start leaking like crazy! When we finally wiggled our way out we were soaked... Not as wet as the guys but def close!
We had such a fun time and I want to thank Jarred and Sarah for being great friends! It is a blessing to be able to have good Christian friends close by!
Friday, June 4, 2010
A Rainbow To Remind Us
A double Rainbow to remind us that he loves us!
Memorial day was quite the day this year! Our family worked around the farm cleaning up and working in the flowerbeds. We have made a goal this year that we're going to try our best to keep up with them!!!!! Its hard sometimes because we get busy but... if we put our minds to it, i know we can achieve our goal! After I headed off to the dairy for the afternoon milking, I thought...
" It's awful hot today... maybe we're finally going to get some rain and it'll cool down..."
Well... It turns out that the weather did more than rain... It poured and when I say poured I mean you couldn't see anything past 10 feet in front of you for almost 30 minutes if not longer. There was water EVERYWHERE!!!!! We saw water running in every direction, hail pounded the cars and ripped the leaves off the trees. So much for our flower beds! They ended up a muddy mess but most of the flowers and vegetables were salvageable.
I am amazed at how God has protected us but still allows us to be reminded of what he is capable of! When I watched the water running down through the yard, driveway and roads and it just kept coming down from above in all different directions, I wondered what went through the minds of Noah's family as they watched God's wrath towards the people of the world so many years ago. I also realized that sometimes we get so caught up in how the storms mess with our plans or our hard work, and that we don't praise God for protecting us and our family's. I was reminded on Monday that life is precious ...
Here are a few pictures I took with my phone about an hour or so after the storm...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Do I... Don't I... Do I...
I am thinking about starting up a photography business but haven't had the clearest sign if I'm to pursue it of not. I love capturing photos and seeing the end result from the editing but do I take the risk to make it a business... It seems like now-a-days everybody is starting to get into the photography thing and I feel like it not as special... I am hoping that God will give me a clear sign whether I'm to pursue this dream or not. I have been praying hard about the different steps I would have to take and the push I will need. I would like to use my gift as a witnessing opportunity and do pictures for people who can't afford the "nice" pictures. You know what I mean. Todays society is crazy! Everything is sooooooooo expensive!!!!
If anyone has any ideas or thoughts PLEASE let me know :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
It's Planting Time!
Today we finally got to plant into our very LARGE garden! That's one plus about living on a farm! I grew up on one but we never had a garden this BIG! Last year our garden consisted of pole Lima's, green beans, yellow beans, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, leaks, lettuce, beets, squash, celery, herbs etc... This year we need to freeze and can as much as we can. It helps with our grocery bill and tastes so much better! We got the green beans, yellow beans and beets. We plan to have as much as we had last year plus more!
This year we had a very special helper! Miss Rhya loved being able to crawl behind her daddy as he planted the rows of vegetables! She watched in all at the sights and sounds of the outdoors. I was able to snap some pictures with my phone of her surveying her surroundings. What a blessing it is to be able to watch her grow in this amazing and beautiful world God has created for us!
Here I come Daddy!!!!!!!
I know I'm a little biased but I thinks shes one of the cutest little girls I've ever seen!!!!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Pictures with my sister!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Love is NOT selfish
Almost every sinful action ever committed can be traced back to a selfish motive. It is something that we are born with and will struggle with it every day of our lives. Why do we hate this trait so much in others but justify it for ourselves. Everyday we are bombarded with obstacles, each of which we have to choose a selfish or unselfish way to resolve it.
I was blessed to be able to compete in a horse show earlier this evening and I am so glad I can still walk a little! (I'm soooooooo sore) I noticed there were many selfish actions throughout the evening. I wouldn't have noticed much before I read my devotion for the day. It opened my eyes and allowed me to see what many of us don't want to. For instance... When your riding around the ring and there's plenty of room on the rail... please move to the rail so the judge can see EVERYONE in the class... There were a few people that would ride around and block the judges view. Maybe its just me but I was bothered.
" Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves." - Philippians 2:3
When you prioritize the well-being of your husband, there is a resulting fulfillment that cannot be duplicated by selfish actions. This is a benefit that God created for those who truly demonstrate love!
My challenge today was to buy something for my husband that says "I was thinking of you today" ... I tried but only found one pair of jeans for Alan at salvation army. I plan to make a card for him before I go to bed... He will find it in the morning and hopefully it will boost his spirits for the day :)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Love Is Kind

Be kind to one another, tender - hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.- Ephesians 4:32
Today my dare consisted of being patient as well as being kind. Kindness is love in action... Our actions and body language are sooooo powerful. This made me reflect on the kind gestures that my husband as well as other people have done recently in my life. Whether it be watching Rhya during the day so I can have "me" time, a simple note of encouragement or even simply helping with farm chores that are difficult to complete with an 8 month old.
I am so blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding my family.
The love dare has opened my eyes to see more than just my relationship with Alan but also with my relationships with other people. There are 4 core ingredients that make "kindness"
1: Gentleness: Am I talking to Alan and others with sensitivity... Do I speak the truth in Love?
2: Helpfulness: Do I serve others when needed?
3: Willingness: Am I agreeable? Do I jump first, Then ask questions?
4: Initiative:Am I the person who greets first, smiles first, serves first, and forgives first?
Each of these questions I asked myself as I read through today's devotion... I am re-evaluating myself as a person and a woman of God. My challenge today was to do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness... Here is what I did!
Today Rhya and I went and bought Alan 3 pairs of pants... He had been asking for jeans for a while now but neither one of us had enough to buy new jean. They are so expensive now-a-days. Anyway, I was strolling through Ollies and found Jeans! 13 dollars a pair! I know that's still not cheap but I keep looking when I'm at Salvation Army and they NEVER have his size! Beggars can't be choosers. He was thrilled! He actually has pants to wear that don't have "homemade " air conditioning in them! I also surprised him with mailing labels. I created and printed mailing label so he didn't have to write all his addresses out.
I also noticed today how unkindness can effect your mood for the "moment"... I was checking out at Ollies and the older lady ringing me out must have been in a fowl mood. I was holding Rhya (who was being impatient,poor thing was hungry). She was clingy as usual, her diaper bag, my purse, two blankets and trying to get my visa card out of my wallet. Meanwhile this lady SLOWLY wrapped and bagged the glass cups I purchased (couldn't she see that I had a squirmy baby in my hands?) Then when the receipt printed she proceeded to try and hand it to me! My hands were sooooooo full! She could have put it in the bags of things that I bought but noooooooooooooo she had to hand it to me!
Now... Yes I'm glad she handed it to me and not Rhya (who would have ate it). She then turned around to talk to another worker about whether or not a fellow co-worker left, all while I'm struggling to get the bags into my hands... I was so frustrated! I hope she was just having a bad day... As I left I said "Have a good day" in as happy of a tone you could get right before your about to cry. She grumbled something... But I was to far to hear. The rain today didn't help :(
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...
Monday, May 10, 2010
My Love Dare
I am starting to read through "The Love Dare" again... I feel that it might help my relationship with Alan a little more. I am hoping that I will get more out of it than I did before.
Today is the first day I will start this new journey myself... hoping and seeking for something that I am hoping God will reveal as I read, digest and pray over this book.
Day one: Love is Patient
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.- Ephesians 4:2
Being patient is something I have been working on my whole life. I have noticed that its easy for some areas of my life to wait but in others I feel like rushing. I have learned that love is built on two pillars... Kindness and Patience. By being patient I am showing the one I love that I am willing to listen and won't overreact in angry, foolish and regrettable ways. "He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who is quick-tempered exalts folly." (Proverbs 14:29)
Today I am going to try to watch what I say, how I say it and determine if I even need to say anything at all... I do not want to say anything I will regret
My dare today was to practice patience and so far I've snapped at Alan only once... Hopefully the only time...
Here are a few points that I gathered from my devotion today:
1: Love is built on two pillars that best define what it is. Those pillars are patience and kindness.
2: Love will inspire you to become a patient person. When you choose to be patient, you respond in a positive way to a negative situation.
3: Love helps you settle down and begin extending mercy to those around you. Patience brings an internal calm to an external storm.
4: It is a choice to control you emotions rather than allowing you emotions to control you, and shows discretion instead of returning evil for evil.
5: Patience makes us wise.
6: As sure as a lack of patience will turn your home into a war zone, the practice of patience will foster peace and quiet.
7: Few of us do patience very well, and none of us do it naturally.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Your all probably wondering what in the world is Sneezers! Well... Sneezers is our "new" cat. Here's her story...
Sneezers found Alan out at our hog barn one rainy, cold and windy day about a month and a half ago. She was and still is a scrawny little kitty that LOVES people. Now... Alan and I do not want another inside cat because the one we have ( Jerbie) is a holy terror! Alan couldn't leave this poor little kitty outside so he brought her in! BIG MISTAKE!!!!! We didn't have a name for her at first so we just called her "cat"! I know... how original!
She has a bad cold and sneezes all the time... So now her name is Sneezers! ( My mom named her!) Rhya loves her and I'm pretty impressed with this little kitty! Rhya will yank, smack, pull, grab, and terrorize her and she doesn't seem to care at all! In fact Sneezers instigates this "playing". Sneezers also LOVES to chase Jerbie around the house. Sneezers and Jerbie sleep in the laundry room at night so the don't wake Rhya up to snuggle. Picture this... we're carrying the girls into the laundry room. Alan has Sneezers... quiet and purring. I have Jerbie... clawing, biting, growling with a towel around her so i don't get bitten! You see... Jerbie absolutely HATES Sneezers. I'm not sure why but every time she see her she growls and runs the opposite direction. Now I'm not sure if Sneezers has lost some brain cells because of the cold. She will chase Jerbie around the house! Just for fun! As soon as Jerbie starts running, Sneezers is not far behind! You'd have to see it in person to truly appreciate it!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Whats on my mind...
Forgiving... I'm still working on that... I was told by a very wise gentleman that "You can't convince someone that your right, if they know your wrong." Quite a statement! I was also encouraged to ask for forgiveness. That is such a humbling act. I know I am going to need strength from my personal savior, Jesus Christ, in order to try. I am tearing up just thinking about the hardship that my family has had to go through this last year. Its so hard to think that even if I know I'm being completely honest before God and everyone else, I have to admit that I'm wrong in order to calm the storm. I have to be the bigger person, ruin my reputation and take the fall for someone else.
I am sorry that things had to turn out this way... hopefully my family will feel some sort of peace soon.
I am sorry that things had to turn out this way... hopefully my family will feel some sort of peace soon.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
And We're OFF!!!!!!
Rhya is crawling! What a joy it is to see her scoot around and finally get where SHE wants to go! She is quite a handful now that she mobile. She heads straight for the trash bag, cat and anything else Alan and I don't want her to have! Rhya has mastered going up our two steps from the living room to kitchen but hasn't figured out her way down yet! She LOVES big people food! I don't know whats worse... a begging dog or child!
There have been a lot of things on my mind lately and I feel that I'm in need of a friend... Don't get me wrong I have a few wonderful friends but sometimes it feels like I don't have any. I know everybody feels that way sometimes and I'm hoping its just a fleeting feeling.
I have been feeling also that I need to find a new career idea. I enjoy photography but have no idea where to start. I love what I'm doing but there are days that I don't feel motivated. Hopefully its also a passing thought... but I have a feeling its not. I was worried I was going to feel this way but I had to give it a shot. Its good that I'm not working more than I am because I'm afraid I would start to hate it. I wish God would give me a sign of what he wants me to do. All I can do is pray that he will guide through this thought process.
There have been a lot of things on my mind lately and I feel that I'm in need of a friend... Don't get me wrong I have a few wonderful friends but sometimes it feels like I don't have any. I know everybody feels that way sometimes and I'm hoping its just a fleeting feeling.
I have been feeling also that I need to find a new career idea. I enjoy photography but have no idea where to start. I love what I'm doing but there are days that I don't feel motivated. Hopefully its also a passing thought... but I have a feeling its not. I was worried I was going to feel this way but I had to give it a shot. Its good that I'm not working more than I am because I'm afraid I would start to hate it. I wish God would give me a sign of what he wants me to do. All I can do is pray that he will guide through this thought process.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
New things!
Since Rhya was born in September, we have been cooped up inside for far to long! I am used to being outside mowing, weed eating, horseback riding.... you name it i did it! I am very motivated to be outside this spring and Rhya will be right along with me! She has already ridden my horse, visited the dairy, mowed, rode in the combine and tractor, and gone for walks. She will be hopefully walking sometime this summer which makes us all very anxious!!
This winter I have had alot of time to think... Alan and I have had many things thrown at us and I'm very surprised at how well we handled it as a couple. We are now being face with a new " struggle" and need to make a serious decision. I'm sorry I can't go into details at this point. We are hoping and praying that God will lead us as we make a very, very hard decision. I am asking that if anyone reads this, Please pray for our family. We need the support from our friends and family as we make this decision.
This winter I have had alot of time to think... Alan and I have had many things thrown at us and I'm very surprised at how well we handled it as a couple. We are now being face with a new " struggle" and need to make a serious decision. I'm sorry I can't go into details at this point. We are hoping and praying that God will lead us as we make a very, very hard decision. I am asking that if anyone reads this, Please pray for our family. We need the support from our friends and family as we make this decision.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Where does the time go!
It seems like I haven't blogged in a while and I would more often if I had Internet... I am still using my parents for the time being until we get Internet of our own.
Rhya will be six months old on March 5th! Wow! I have been spending most of my days catering to her needs and haven't really taken the time around the house like I should. Its hard when you have a munchkin who keeps rolling over even though she doesn't like being on her belly! Its funny but can be frustrating at the same time. I have noticed, even though Rhya has been rolling over for a week, she is starting to push herself up into the crawling position! Yeah!
This past week has been difficult...
The unemployment drama is still continuing...There are so many questions I would love to ask but I know I will probably never get the chance....
I got a letter in the mail stating that my previous employers were appealing the referees decision, whether or not I should be granted benefits... So now the case goes to the Harrisburg Unemployment Office and they will determine whether or not there will be another hearing. I found false information on the letters and "evidence" that was submitted. There is nothing fr them to gain by having my benefits taken away... I am constantly praying for the peace and strength I will need with these upcoming weeks.
Rhya will be six months old on March 5th! Wow! I have been spending most of my days catering to her needs and haven't really taken the time around the house like I should. Its hard when you have a munchkin who keeps rolling over even though she doesn't like being on her belly! Its funny but can be frustrating at the same time. I have noticed, even though Rhya has been rolling over for a week, she is starting to push herself up into the crawling position! Yeah!
This past week has been difficult...
The unemployment drama is still continuing...There are so many questions I would love to ask but I know I will probably never get the chance....
I got a letter in the mail stating that my previous employers were appealing the referees decision, whether or not I should be granted benefits... So now the case goes to the Harrisburg Unemployment Office and they will determine whether or not there will be another hearing. I found false information on the letters and "evidence" that was submitted. There is nothing fr them to gain by having my benefits taken away... I am constantly praying for the peace and strength I will need with these upcoming weeks.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Learning early!!!
Miss Rhya Faith has a huge love for animals!!! I never knew a child so young could express such a BIG interest! She loves her dogs... Buddy, Savannah and Sadie!!!! As you can see she is also taking a liking to farm animals to! At least the ones in the books!!! Its to cold to take her out to the barn yet but I cant wait for her to see that cows and horses!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Rhya's VOICE!
Miss Rhya Faith has found her voice this past week! It is overwhelming sometimes but I am so happy for the interaction!!! She squeaks and squeals all the time and sometimes for no good reason! She has learned that when she "yells" someone comes running! I'm pretty sure she has her mommy and daddy wrapped abound her little finger!!!!!!! I have been practicing my self control and to not run to her every time she speaks her mind... Its hard but I know I have to do it!!!
She is still working on perfecting her hand-eye coordination and it is rather funny to watch!
We went to the grocery store today with grammy Gerlach, and Rhya decided she didn't want her pacifier anymore! It was the most humorous thing to watch her try to figure out how to get it back into her mouth!!! She would concentrate really hard and get the pacifier to her mouth... only to pull it out again when she didn't let go! When she finally gave up, she looked at me with those precious eyes and I gave in and gave it to her! I'll give her credit... she tried!
Back to Rhya's lovely singing voice! The little munchkin decided to scream at her pacifier the other day... it was a happy, I'm soooooo excited I see my pacifier, kind of scream! I had to laugh... even though she gave me a head ache!
Rhya is growing so fast and I'm loving the time I can spend with her! Even though I have to work, I'm very lucky that I don't have to work full time! I'm on my way to being a full time mommy! Yeah! I think a few more years and we should be on our feet enough that I can work around the farm! Maybe there will be more munchkins by then! Its all in Gods hands!
She is still working on perfecting her hand-eye coordination and it is rather funny to watch!
We went to the grocery store today with grammy Gerlach, and Rhya decided she didn't want her pacifier anymore! It was the most humorous thing to watch her try to figure out how to get it back into her mouth!!! She would concentrate really hard and get the pacifier to her mouth... only to pull it out again when she didn't let go! When she finally gave up, she looked at me with those precious eyes and I gave in and gave it to her! I'll give her credit... she tried!
Back to Rhya's lovely singing voice! The little munchkin decided to scream at her pacifier the other day... it was a happy, I'm soooooo excited I see my pacifier, kind of scream! I had to laugh... even though she gave me a head ache!
Rhya is growing so fast and I'm loving the time I can spend with her! Even though I have to work, I'm very lucky that I don't have to work full time! I'm on my way to being a full time mommy! Yeah! I think a few more years and we should be on our feet enough that I can work around the farm! Maybe there will be more munchkins by then! Its all in Gods hands!
Monday, January 18, 2010
New Beginnings/ past memories
A new beginning! I started working at another local dairy today and am so glad to be back in the parlor! I missed working with the cows and being able to get out of the house! So far so good! Only a few of the cows didnt like me very much! The cows came into the double 8 parlor very nicely and I was suprised at how calm they were, seeing that I was new to them! I have never used an "Iodine sprayer" before! All you do is hole a tube thing up to the cows teat and press a button! There are 5 steps to milking a cow...
1: Spray the cows teats with iodine
2: Wipe the cows teats with a rag to remove all the dirt and manure! We dont want that in our milk!!!
3: Strip out each quarter 3-4 times. This helps the cow to let her milk down and also removes any bacteria that might have made its way into her quarter.
4: Attach the milker
5: When the milker comes off we dip the teats with a sealer... this helps to keep the bacteria out.
Easy right??? NOT!!!!! Milking a cow is alot harder than most people think! You dont just stick a milker on a cow... Her health is also a BIG factor! Noticing the signs of a sick cow can be tricky and not just anyone can tell... It takes someone whos truely passionate about their animals to notice.
You also get to know the cows when your working with them! They become part of your family! I had become attached to many cows over the years that I had been working on a dairy! One i will always remember... she was a friendly heifer. My prevous boss had bought her at a sale and she wasn't the prettiest cow in the barn. We all called her "pontiac"... Thats what her name tag said... otherwise I think she would have had a different name!!! When we would bed her pen with straw, she would follow us around and sometimes rest her chin on our shoulders! She would even throw an ocasional head butt in there as if to say "Hello, Im right hear and you NEED to pet me!!!" The memories...
I have no idea if my previous bosses read this blog or not... if they do I want them to know that I am glad that I worked there for 2 1/2 years. I value their friendship and wish, only wish that they could see what I am going through. I don't understand where things went wrong... I was hurt, very hurt... but I am moving on. In the bible, Jesus says to forgive and thats what I am doing...Maybe someday we can be neighbors/friends again...
1: Spray the cows teats with iodine
2: Wipe the cows teats with a rag to remove all the dirt and manure! We dont want that in our milk!!!
3: Strip out each quarter 3-4 times. This helps the cow to let her milk down and also removes any bacteria that might have made its way into her quarter.
4: Attach the milker
5: When the milker comes off we dip the teats with a sealer... this helps to keep the bacteria out.
Easy right??? NOT!!!!! Milking a cow is alot harder than most people think! You dont just stick a milker on a cow... Her health is also a BIG factor! Noticing the signs of a sick cow can be tricky and not just anyone can tell... It takes someone whos truely passionate about their animals to notice.
You also get to know the cows when your working with them! They become part of your family! I had become attached to many cows over the years that I had been working on a dairy! One i will always remember... she was a friendly heifer. My prevous boss had bought her at a sale and she wasn't the prettiest cow in the barn. We all called her "pontiac"... Thats what her name tag said... otherwise I think she would have had a different name!!! When we would bed her pen with straw, she would follow us around and sometimes rest her chin on our shoulders! She would even throw an ocasional head butt in there as if to say "Hello, Im right hear and you NEED to pet me!!!" The memories...
I have no idea if my previous bosses read this blog or not... if they do I want them to know that I am glad that I worked there for 2 1/2 years. I value their friendship and wish, only wish that they could see what I am going through. I don't understand where things went wrong... I was hurt, very hurt... but I am moving on. In the bible, Jesus says to forgive and thats what I am doing...Maybe someday we can be neighbors/friends again...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Do you ever have one of those moments where your stuck in a hole and are trying desperately to dig yourself out??? In one of my previous blogs I have mentioned the unemployment hearing that I needed to attend in order to keep receiving my unemployment benefits...
Well... that hearing was today...
Picture this: Your sitting around a table... unemployment hearing referee at the head of the table, your previous bosses sitting right across from you and their human resources counsler sitting at the end of the table... AWKWARD...
Thank goodness my wonderful husband was there for support... even though he didn't say a word throughout the hearing, he definitely helped me with my confidence. Its something about having your best friend with you through a rough moment that makes it feel like the every things going to be okay, even though the outcome is unknown. The hardest part was that I felt that I was being thrown under the buss... I had planned to work until I had my daughter but God had other plans. I was "Layed off" or "fired" when I was six months pregnant. I talked to serveral employers in the area but sadly couldn't find another job... I don't blame anyone for not wanting to hire someone who's pregnant and going to be taking leave in 3 months anyway.
My last resort was to file for unemployment benefits... I guess my previous bosses didn't think I deserved it. I am proud of myself... I feel that I handled myself with dignity and poise. I tried to be respectful and hold my emotions inside.
The referee was very kind and kept the hearing moving at a good pace. Not allowing us to ramble on about useless information. I noticed when your under alot of stress you tend to ramble or say things you shouldn't. Thats where I kept my mouth shut and ears open (yeah amazing, right??) Proverbs 10: 19 "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise."
I am glad God put me in this situation today... Even though it was emotionally straining and stressful, I learned a lot about character. I learned how some people will say things to hurt or belittle someone just to make themselves look good. I also learned that body language can sometimes speak louder than words and your tone can be like a dagger.
This lead me to dig into the bible and see what God could tell me.
Proverbs 12:18 " Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing"
Healing... what an amazing word... so easy to say, but hard to feel. Once you've been torn, its hard to sew back together. I know my healing process is going to take time, dedication and constant prayer. I also must remember to be wise with what I say. I do not want to do to others what has been done to me.
Proverbs 12:19 "Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment"
I know in my heart that I told the truth today and can only hope that my employers can sleep tonight... It hurts to think that I would have thought better of them. Even though we don't know what impact we have on people I can only hope that I am thought of as a truthful young women of God. We all make mistakes, we all have lied at some point in our lives. Even though it is hard to forgive someone who has lied or cheated, it is also very important to remember that we need to forgive, push past and move on....
I'm going to try to be the bigger person and forgive but I need prayer... It is going to be hard but I know it has to happen in order for me to begin the healing process...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Baby Dedication...
Well... Rhya is 4 months old and I have been thinking a lot about a baby dedication... I feel that right now is not the right time for our family to have one... but I also feel the need to do one ASAP!!! Why the rush????? The way we are raising Rhya isn't going to change just because we don't have a dedication right now. I have promised to myself that I would raise my children in the presence of the lord... nothing will change that. I know it is an important tradition in the church and a part of me wants to know why??? Not a bad thing but, I am the kind of girl that likes to do research!!!!
Right now I feel that God is pushing for me to put together a service that is suitable for a baby dedication. Maybe its practice for the plans he has for me, or maybe he trying to get my attention.
I am not sure...
What do I do when I'm not sure??? Well... the first thing I did was pray and meditate on it... Then I called my grandparents. The people who "know" everything!!!!! My grandmother gave me some comforting advice and encouraged me to keep praying. She also helped me to understand why we have baby dedications. Its like a marriage... the parents are making a promise to God in front of their family and friends that they are going to raise their child in a Christian home. Also the grandparents and congregation promise to help and encourage the parents as they raise their child.
I have heard from many sources that it takes a community to raise a child and I couldn't agree more!
On a lighter note... picture this... Alan stretched across the floor with Rhya... both facing each other and having a conversation! Yes I know Rhya cant talk yet but she definitely likes to make her point known! She is smiling, giggling, and talking to her daddy! What a beautiful sight! There is no question of where God is in this house.
Friday, January 1, 2010
My past 5 years...
This upcoming year I would love to lose 15, even 20 lbs! I know I'm going to have to work really hard, but I think I can do it! I have alot of goals I want to accomplish! Keeping the house clean, cooking more, and maybe making Rhya's clothing! Ambitious right?
I didn't have much time to adjust from single high school graduate, wife and now mother. I am trying my hardest even though times get hard. Being a 21 year old wife and mother is not where I expected to be 5 years ago...
2005 was my sophomore/junior year in highschool. That year was the year of my grandchampion FFA market steer, first boyfriend and a horse judging trip to Massachusetts. The memories!!! I had planned to be a vet tech or collage for dairy science.
I had been working at a tie stall dairy for a long time and in the fall of 2006 I started working at another dairy closer to home. My knees had started bothering me so the carousel parlor was a better fit. My senior year, in 2007, I had plans to run for a position on the state FFA officer team. It was a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. I had my application submitted and was ready for the interviews. I was approached by one of my bosses and they said that if I became an officer, they would have to switch back to 2 milking a day because they couldnt handle 3! that made me feel good and bad all at they same time. The good part was that I was appreciated, the bad was that I felt bad for leaving. I felt that bad that I stayed... I stayed where I was promised to learn everything that I needed to know about becoming a dairy herdsman!! Everything I wanted plus the fact that I didn't need to pay schooling!!! Yeah!!! Or so I thought...
I continued to work there believing that I would actually get somewhere in life....
The dairy expanded from about 200 cows to 550 and from an 8 cow carousel to a double 16 haring bone parlor. Much to my dreams!!! But sadly I was "laid off" early in june when i was six months pregnant. I was starting to see specialist because the baby was small. I also had my health insurance through the dairy. I was told that they were laying me off because they wanted to hire a full time person from another local dairy that was bought out by the government. I asked if I did anything wrong and was told "no, your a great worker and we're going to miss you." I was not offered a job back and being 6 months pregnant, no one would hire me.
Paying the bills became harder and my husband couldn't cover all of my bills.
After much thought I decided to file for unemployment benefits. I was approved and was beginning to catch up on my bills when I got a letter saying that my benefits were appealed and the reasoning was that I was pregnant. Wow! DISCRIMINATION!!!!!!! I was shocked... and speechless!!!
I was still granted my benefits but in October I received another appeal letter. This time I was told that I had "falsified" information and that I was fired, not laid off like I was told... I now have a hearing for these benefits and I need prayer...
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