A new beginning! I started working at another local dairy today and am so glad to be back in the parlor! I missed working with the cows and being able to get out of the house! So far so good! Only a few of the cows didnt like me very much! The cows came into the double 8 parlor very nicely and I was suprised at how calm they were, seeing that I was new to them! I have never used an "Iodine sprayer" before! All you do is hole a tube thing up to the cows teat and press a button! There are 5 steps to milking a cow...
1: Spray the cows teats with iodine
2: Wipe the cows teats with a rag to remove all the dirt and manure! We dont want that in our milk!!!
3: Strip out each quarter 3-4 times. This helps the cow to let her milk down and also removes any bacteria that might have made its way into her quarter.
4: Attach the milker
5: When the milker comes off we dip the teats with a sealer... this helps to keep the bacteria out.
Easy right??? NOT!!!!! Milking a cow is alot harder than most people think! You dont just stick a milker on a cow... Her health is also a BIG factor! Noticing the signs of a sick cow can be tricky and not just anyone can tell... It takes someone whos truely passionate about their animals to notice.
You also get to know the cows when your working with them! They become part of your family! I had become attached to many cows over the years that I had been working on a dairy! One i will always remember... she was a friendly heifer. My prevous boss had bought her at a sale and she wasn't the prettiest cow in the barn. We all called her "pontiac"... Thats what her name tag said... otherwise I think she would have had a different name!!! When we would bed her pen with straw, she would follow us around and sometimes rest her chin on our shoulders! She would even throw an ocasional head butt in there as if to say "Hello, Im right hear and you NEED to pet me!!!" The memories...
I have no idea if my previous bosses read this blog or not... if they do I want them to know that I am glad that I worked there for 2 1/2 years. I value their friendship and wish, only wish that they could see what I am going through. I don't understand where things went wrong... I was hurt, very hurt... but I am moving on. In the bible, Jesus says to forgive and thats what I am doing...Maybe someday we can be neighbors/friends again...
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