No one is perfect, not one person can possibly know everything, and we make mistakes. If we were perfect and knew everything then what would our purpose be in life. I have run into some people throughout my 22 years of life that think they know everything and it's really sad! I have found that those people are lonely. They might not see it but you can tell by the way a person acts that there's a void that needs filled. The thing is... You can't tell them that. They know everything... Once a person is not humble, think they now everything, and doesn't take the time to learn and grow from the people around them. No one wants to be around them, let alone be their friend! Why would you want to be around someone if they are constantly challenging and criticizing what you say! It's emotionally draining! I have distanced myself from these kinds of people because I used to be like that. Now I'd like to say I wasn't as bad as others but I cant judge myself...
The thing with me is I won't comment if I don't know! I won't make something up because it sounds good, I admit if I have information wrong, and I want to learn from others :) I have grown so much since high school! I thank God for giving the gift of knowledge but I don't ever want to abuse that gift! There are people that use it to get their way... Make up things that a not true to move up in the world.
My whole life I have been taught to humble myself, admit when I'm wrong and ask for forgiveness. It's hard somedays, it never is easy.
I am constantly praying for those people who haven't grown the way I have through God. I also know that I am NEVER done learning from our creator. There's always something knew everyday :)
Thank you God for the good things and the bad things that I learn from everyday :)
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