Friday, June 4, 2010

A Rainbow To Remind Us

A double Rainbow to remind us that he loves us!

Memorial day was quite the day this year! Our family worked around the farm cleaning up and working in the flowerbeds. We have made a goal this year that we're going to try our best to keep up with them!!!!! Its hard sometimes because we get busy but... if we put our minds to it, i know we can achieve our goal! After I headed off to the dairy for the afternoon milking, I thought...
" It's awful hot today... maybe we're finally going to get some rain and it'll cool down..."
Well... It turns out that the weather did more than rain... It poured and when I say poured I mean you couldn't see anything past 10 feet in front of you for almost 30 minutes if not longer. There was water EVERYWHERE!!!!! We saw water running in every direction, hail pounded the cars and ripped the leaves off the trees. So much for our flower beds! They ended up a muddy mess but most of the flowers and vegetables were salvageable.

I am amazed at how God has protected us but still allows us to be reminded of what he is capable of! When I watched the water running down through the yard, driveway and roads and it just kept coming down from above in all different directions, I wondered what went through the minds of Noah's family as they watched God's wrath towards the people of the world so many years ago. I also realized that sometimes we get so caught up in how the storms mess with our plans or our hard work, and that we don't praise God for protecting us and our family's. I was reminded on Monday that life is precious ...

Here are a few pictures I took with my phone about an hour or so after the storm...

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