Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Funny story to enlighten your day!

I decided I was going to take a great adventure to BB's or Ben's Bent and Dent on Friday of last week. I didn't want to go by myself to a new place so I called my friend Sarah and asked if she and Emma would like to join me. She agreed it would be a fun adventure and it would get us and the girls (Emma and Rhya ) out of the house for some quality girl time!!!!

I picked Sarah and Emma up around 10:45 and we headed for BB's.
Both of the girls (Emma- 21months, Rhya-18months) were chattering for a little but soon fell fast asleep as we drove. 

DRIVING DRIVING DRIVING... and some more DRIVING!!!! My directions said it was only to take about 20 minutes to get there so we kept driving and talking not realizing how long we had been driving. Like women do! Sarah finally said " For some reason I don't recognize where we are?". We had just pasted a sign that said 4 miles to Maryland!!!! Wow! We pulled up the directions once again on my phone only to realize we were on 
rt 272! Not rt. 222!!!! So we turned around and headed back in the right direction!!! We pulled up to a stop sign and proceeded to turn left when the coast was clear! Not realizing (because it wasn't a very safe intersection and you couldn't see very far to your left) that the coast certainly wasn't clear and I had to mash on the gas pedal just barely escaping an accident! Whew! Poor Sarah (who is 7 months pregnant)! Then a car decided to turn at the last minute and I had to slam on the breaks!!! Whew! Another close call!! 
We finally made it to BB'S after getting lost, two close calls and driving right past the road we needed! 
So all this hassle just to walk around the store... (I didn't know they only took cash or check) so we didn't buy anything! 

What fun morning and I am so thankful for Gods protection!!

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