I can't sleep... My hubby says its because I worry to much. And hes right, I do worry. I worry about how much money (if any) will be left over at the end of the month, how the cows are doing, when we are brining the horses home, am I being a good wife and mother... etc... I worry but at night I try to let it go. If I find that I start to worry, I pray. That doesn't always help. There are some nights I will fall asleep but wake up multiple times. Then there are others when I just can't fall asleep and when I finally do its like I'm forcing myself to sleep. I wake up with a "tired" head ache almost everyday...
Does anyone know what to do... I don't like to take medicine if I don't have to. Are there teas? Scents? Music???? ANYTHING????? I am desperate for a good nights sleep!!!!!!!
Onto Rhya... We ( Alan and I ) have decided together to put her into "time-outs" when she gets beyond upset. I don't know if anybody else's children do this but if Rhya doesn't get what she wants, she will SCREAM at the top of her lungs. And her reasoning... well... She gets very upset when she doesn't get to watch a movie when she wants, if she can't turn a book page by herself or even if she thinks she needs to feed Buddy and Jerbie. It is emotionally draining for me as a mother. You might think that I'm handling it just fine and that I am patient but I am telling you there are days when i have to rely on Gods strength to get through. Rhya will throw a fit for anywhere from 5 minutes to 45 minutes... I wonder am I doing this right??? I need her to be obedient... I need her to stop when I say no... I need her to listen... I know its not going to happen overnight and I know that shes young. I was raised in a home where you listened.
So far Alan and I have been doing these timeouts for about 3 days. Rhya's first timeout lasted 45 minutes, Today she was in a time out and I don't think it lasted more that 5 minutes!! YEAH!!! I think shes getting it!!!
Here is what I do for her time out
I pat her behind, say no and set her on our living room step to sit.
I tell her she needs to sit (all while shes crying)
I walk away. Far enough that she can't see me but I can see her.
I make her sit until she calms down.
When she is calm I ask her if she would like read a book, she usually nods yes and I will read a book to her.
I still want to show her that I'm not a mean mom!! lol!! So far she is learning to control her frustration and channel it! Yeah!
I tell her she needs to sit (all while shes crying)
I walk away. Far enough that she can't see me but I can see her.
I make her sit until she calms down.
When she is calm I ask her if she would like read a book, she usually nods yes and I will read a book to her.
I still want to show her that I'm not a mean mom!! lol!! So far she is learning to control her frustration and channel it! Yeah!
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