Thursday, April 19, 2012

Anxieties of Life ... (For me ...Anyway)

Anxiety is something I struggle with on a daily basis... Ever since I was a teen in high school. Whether it was a test, horse show, work, it really didn't matter. This is also a big trigger for my IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) If you've never heard of this condition, let me enlighten you. Anything and everything can and will send you to the bathroom in quite a hurry (and not throwing up... catch my drift???). I have to watch what I eat... no ice cream, milk, greesy food and even soda unless I'm not going anywhere for a few days. Your always wondering where the bathroom is when your shopping and if you go out to eat, about 75% of the time your rushing home for the bathroom. So you can imagine growing up I had to learn how to handle the different pressures that life would throw my way or I would miss out on life completly!

Here of late I have had a lot of anxiety and I know it is an attack from satan. I have been able, through prayer, to keep my anxiety levels low and focus on what I need to. With doing that I have also been able to control my IBS about 25%. Which is a lot! For me anyway! I have found that with this pregnancy, my stomach has decided to declare war. I wish it was as simple as throwing up but its not.. at least I would be able to get some yard work done that way! Instead I am trapped in what my husband calls "my office" for what seems like ALL DAY LONG! I have realized that while I'm in "my office" I might as well read the best book possible! Can you guess which one I mean? My Bible. Sometimes in my hurry I forget to grab it but most of the time I do!
 Rhya has also been a trooper and will check on me to make sure I'm ok throughout her playtime! What a special little girl she is!

Back to my anxieties, if you think of me please pray. Most likely I need it in some way or another.
Some things on my mind here of late...

  • Baby #2
  • Rhya's arm healing properly
  • Getting the nursery ready in time (only have 2 1/2 weeks and the room isn't even cleaned out... not my stuff to clean... wallpaper needs stripped, floor sanded, walls painted, etc.)
  • Living room is finished with paint but the floor needs finished (waiting on baby's room so we don't have to spend more money renting a sander twice!)
  • Sister-in-law's wedding coming up really fast! Baby even faster!
  • Strawberry season is around the corner (About baby and wedding time) 
  • House needs cleaned and I don't feel like I have energy being sick all the time.
  • Not sleeping well (normal for this stage in pregnancy... I know!)
  • Praying that I have patience to handle Rhya when she's a handful and not raise my voice. I grew up being scolded on the louder side and i find I'm doing the same. I am trying to change that...
  • Trying to keep my cool with my dear hubby when I've had a long day and he doesn't take his boots off at the door and other small things that may set off a ticking time bomb!
The list could go on and on and on... I'm sure everyone has a list similar to mine with things you stress about. I know I'm not the only one.

As I sit here, typing I really feel a sense of peace. I can feel baby H. hiccuping and though most days it can get a little "annoying"(mothers who have been pregnant know exactly what I'm talking about!) I am thankful for the little life growing inside and those hiccups mean the baby is practicing its breathing for the BIG day!

I leave you with this bible verse:

      Romans 15:13
        May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy   Spirit you may abound in hope.

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

First Off: Congrats on baby number 2! and second: as a worrier myself I understand the anxieties you have. I will be praying for you lady! May Gods peace surround your heart!