I decided for my sisters birthday I was going to master this new decorating technique on her cake. Decorating cake is not my strong suite but its a fun challenge as long as it tastes good!
So without further ado... here's the cake!
Top and bottom layers were confetti cake mix, the middle layer was a dark chocolate cake mix and in between the layers I used a milk chocolate icing to "glue" them together!
Butter cream icing! Yummy! It took me three tries to get the icing just right!
The purple icing (which I made :) and the flowers! ( My sister in law Anita is VERY talented with flower arranging and she was oh so kind to assist me with the "bundling" and placing!)
Yes this is my sister sneaking a taste of the icing...
And then trying to take a BIG bite!
Now to the JOYS of cleaning out a large fish pond!
I helped my parents clean out their very large HUGE pond about a weeks or so ago.... You should have seen the four of us (Both my parents, Rhya and I)! We were COVERED in pond... scum....mud... fishy poo... whatever is in that stuff we were scooping out! YUCK! Rhya wasn't sure about this whole thing when we first started but once we had her catching bull frog tad polls, she was HOOKED! In and out, up and down, slip and slide, scoop and scrub. Finally after 2 hours of scooping we were ready to scrub and rinse (the fun part!)
All of this is thick pond scum! Yuck! Imagine scooping all this out by hand! Oh wait, I don't have to imagine... I already did! Its not all that bad or even hard work! Its much better though when you have help and thats why I was helping my parents! Not that I needed anything to do... I had plenty at home to accomplish... I just felt the need to help! What a fun morning we had! Catching tad polls and fish, trying not to splatter each other (though it happened many times) and keep ourselves on our two feet and not flat in the muck! (Which both my mother and I were not successful in achieving!)
All squeaky CLEAN! Whoop! Whoop!
We finally got the waterway done along our driveway (Thanks Dad) so we can keep the field water from running though our front yard, barn and flowerbeds.
Rhya was their supervisor and kept both "Pap Pap" (my dad) and Alan busy!
"Dad you missed a spot!"
Hope you enjoyed a little sneak peek of what we've been up to lately! Maybe someday I'll figure out how to get a video on here so you can see Rhya in all her cuteness!
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