Friday, June 17, 2011

Blessings through tears

I have been clinging to the song "Blessings" by Laura Story. A good friend of mine wrote about it in her blog a few months ago and I've loved it since. I have been struggling lately. Especially with my self esteem and this song has uplifted me especially within the last 24 hours. Here's why:

As most of you know Alan and I would love to add another little munchkin to our growing family. We want Rhya to be a big sister in the worst way and we know she will be a great one. I had missed my period for the last 2 1/2 months. Now I am normally anywhere from 5-6 weeks late anyway so I wasn't to excited but when I was about 8 weeks late I though "Maybe????"  I probably took at least 10 hpts (home pregnancy tests) and they were all a negative. I have heard that there are some women who have had negative tests the whole way through their pregnancy's... So there was a possibility. I felt that I was even having symptoms also... So what could this mean? I took online symptom quizzes and they all said "Your probably pregnant, Call you doctor"

So you can probably see how discouraged and disheartened I was we were when "TOM" (time of month, aka period) decided to surprise me yesterday morning.

I can't explain how I feel but what I can say is that this song has helped me deal with my emotional ups and downs!

We pray for blessing
We pray for peace
  Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
 We pray for healing, for prosperity
     We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
    All the while, You hear each spoken need
    Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
                                                                   Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
                                                                           What if Your healing comes through tears
                                                                                 What if a thousand sleepless nights
                                                                            Are what it takes to know You’re near
                                                                       What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

                                                                                         We pray for wisdom
                                                                                           Your voice to hear
                                                                   And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
                                                                     We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
                                                                     As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
                                                                       All the while, You hear each desperate plea
                                                                          And long that we'd have faith to believe

                                                                 Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
                                                                         What if Your healing comes through tears
                                                                             What if a thousand sleepless nights
                                                                          Are what it takes to know You’re near
                                                             And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

                                                                                     When friends betray us
                                                                                When darkness seems to win
                                                                               We know the pain reminds this heart
                                                                              That this is not, this is not our home

                                                                Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
                                                                          What if Your healing comes through tears
                                                                          And what if a thousand sleepless nights
                                                                          Are what it takes to know You’re near
                                                                           What if my greatest disappointments
                                                                                 Or the aching of this life
                                                           Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can’t satisfy
                                                                               And what if trials of this life
                                                                        The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
                                                                                 Are Your mercies in disguise

I am truly thankful for my beautiful healthy daughter and my loving husband! 


Sarah said...

Praying for you Ellie....for you to be filled with the peace that passes ALL understanding during this season of waiting on God's timing, for this season to draw you even closer to God as you press into Him, and believing boldly with you that you WILL conceive SOON! I'm so sorry this hasn't been an easy thing, but I'm so blessed by your humble attitude of choosing to believe that even though this is hard, it will be to God's glory and your good.

Anonymous said...

I am horrified that you post your sex life on the internet for every tom, dick, and harry to read. Does your husband know his sex life is broadcast to the world?

DS said...

Ellie, I don't normally read your blog but I saw your post on FB and hopped over to cheer you up. That is the downside to blogging, you put yourself out there honest and open, and some troll comes along and rants at you. They post anonymously, then go away feeling vindicated or justified. You feel stunned because it was aimed at you, but any normal person reading your post and the comment from anonymous will comprehend what a small minded, vile and useless person this anonymous is. Pity them and then give them no more thought or time, they are not worth it. I was going to respond to anonymous, but my useful instruction I doubt they could comprehend.

Nicola said...

first off Ellen you should ignore that comment by "anonymous". They obviously didn't read your post correctly because I didn't see anywhere in there you talking about your "sex life"...just a struggle you are working through related to not being able to conceive. I agree with DS also. Second, i pray that you may find peace in your situation knowing that God sees the whole picture. He knows your heart to have a brother or sister for Rhya and he was the one that created you (and the way your body works!) trust in him. Know you are in my prayers!

JH said...

Anonymous is a waste of time Ellen, I agree with the others that have your back. They are simply nothing but a low life with nothing better to do! And I believe they only said that because they are jealous of the wonderful life that you have been blessed with.

Nate and Jenny Hoover said...

Sarah was over Saturday and told me about your post and your desire for more babies :) I will be praying for you - I'm glad you are clinging to the One who gives hope for your heart's desire...

And on a weird and unrelated note, when I was reading your blog, the designs at the bottom right looked like Snoopy to me and I thought it odd to have Snoopy on a flowery background. This is how my mind works... But it's not Snoopy at all... Doesn't it look like him, though? Yes, I'm weird... Stop messin' with my head... ;)