I didn't expect Rhya to start teething so soon but her little teeth are coming! Sometimes we can make her feel better but there are others when nothing helps. It is hard to watch your little one cry and cry until they fall asleep. The grumpy attitude doesn't help either! I have noticed that whatever Rhyas mood is, so is mine!
Today Rhya hasn't slept much and cant seem to let herself fall asleep. We have tried everything but nothing seems to help. You can tell shes tired. She has red rings around her eyes and occasionally rubs her eyes with her fists.
I know soon Rhya will be wobbling around and I will be wishing she was little like she is now. So tiny and so precious.
The other night Alan and I discussed who we wanted Rhya to be with if anything ever happened to us. It was an easy decision but we are hoping it doesn't have to happen. Its hard to think about... but we needed to cover our bases. You never know when God will call you home and its hard to comprehend.
John 14:1
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."
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