A good friend of mine has a daughter that is only a few months older than Rhya named Emma. These two are two very different peas in a pod! If you knew the girls and saw them play together you would completely understand! They are best friends in the making. Emma's Momma over at The Farming Momma interviewed miss Emma back in June when she turned three (You can read Emma's interview by clicking on the link provided). I thought it was a cute idea and a way to follow her likes and dislikes over the next few birthdays! Here is how it went!
Me: "Rhya, what is your favorite color?"
Rhya: " My color is my favorite."
I asked her again thinking maybe this wasn't the best idea!
Me: " Rhya, what is your favorite color?"
Rhya: " Purple"
Yeah! She actually likes a color! ha ha !
Me: " What is your favorite food?"
Rhya: " Ummmmm... APPLESAUCE!!!!!!!!!"
She yelled applesauce... hence the capitol letters!
Me: " What's your favorite movie?"
Rhya: " Butterflys!!!!"
I have no idea! Theres no movies about butterflies in our house...
Me: " How old are you?"
Rhya: " Aunt Kate is in the dark... Not dark anymore.... I'm a month and a half"
Yeah... thats how she answered that question...
Me: "What's your favorite animal?"
Rhya: "Mable is an animal."
Me: "Is mable your favorite?"
Rhya: " Yeah..."
Me: "What is your favorite toy?"
Rhya: "My cereal."
Ok... We don't play with our cereal in our house... just thought that detail should be in there!
Me: "What is your Daddy's name?"
Rhya: " Daddy's food... Daddy's yummy."
Me: "What's your name?"
Rhya: "Rhya."
Good at least she knows her name! ha ha ha!
Me: "What color is Daddy's tractor?"
Rhya: " Blue."
Me: "Are you sure its not green?"
Rhya: " Oh yeah... its green."
Me: "Who is your best friend?"
Rhya: "Emma!!!!!!!!"
Oh how she loves her dear friend!
Me: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Rhya: "Strong and mighty."
Seriously... she said that!
Me: " What makes you happy?"
Rhya: "Daddy!"
Rhya has grown into such a wonderful, talented and caring little girl! Soaking up knowledge everywhere she can! She loves her little brother with all her little heart and it makes us so proud. When Isaac is screaming in the car Rhya will talk to him and say "Its ok Isaac, its ok... we're riding in the car... its ok." Oh, how it warms my heart.