Be kind to one another, tender - hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.- Ephesians 4:32
Today my dare consisted of being patient as well as being kind. Kindness is love in action... Our actions and body language are sooooo powerful. This made me reflect on the kind gestures that my husband as well as other people have done recently in my life. Whether it be watching Rhya during the day so I can have "me" time, a simple note of encouragement or even simply helping with farm chores that are difficult to complete with an 8 month old.
I am so blessed to have such wonderful people surrounding my family.
The love dare has opened my eyes to see more than just my relationship with Alan but also with my relationships with other people. There are 4 core ingredients that make "kindness"
1: Gentleness: Am I talking to Alan and others with sensitivity... Do I speak the truth in Love?
2: Helpfulness: Do I serve others when needed?
3: Willingness: Am I agreeable? Do I jump first, Then ask questions?
4: Initiative:Am I the person who greets first, smiles first, serves first, and forgives first?
Each of these questions I asked myself as I read through today's devotion... I am re-evaluating myself as a person and a woman of God. My challenge today was to do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness... Here is what I did!
Today Rhya and I went and bought Alan 3 pairs of pants... He had been asking for jeans for a while now but neither one of us had enough to buy new jean. They are so expensive now-a-days. Anyway, I was strolling through Ollies and found Jeans! 13 dollars a pair! I know that's still not cheap but I keep looking when I'm at Salvation Army and they NEVER have his size! Beggars can't be choosers. He was thrilled! He actually has pants to wear that don't have "homemade " air conditioning in them! I also surprised him with mailing labels. I created and printed mailing label so he didn't have to write all his addresses out.
I also noticed today how unkindness can effect your mood for the "moment"... I was checking out at Ollies and the older lady ringing me out must have been in a fowl mood. I was holding Rhya (who was being impatient,poor thing was hungry). She was clingy as usual, her diaper bag, my purse, two blankets and trying to get my visa card out of my wallet. Meanwhile this lady SLOWLY wrapped and bagged the glass cups I purchased (couldn't she see that I had a squirmy baby in my hands?) Then when the receipt printed she proceeded to try and hand it to me! My hands were sooooooo full! She could have put it in the bags of things that I bought but noooooooooooooo she had to hand it to me!
Now... Yes I'm glad she handed it to me and not Rhya (who would have ate it). She then turned around to talk to another worker about whether or not a fellow co-worker left, all while I'm struggling to get the bags into my hands... I was so frustrated! I hope she was just having a bad day... As I left I said "Have a good day" in as happy of a tone you could get right before your about to cry. She grumbled something... But I was to far to hear. The rain today didn't help :(
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day...