Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Your all probably wondering what in the world is Sneezers! Well... Sneezers is our "new" cat.  Here's her story... 
 Sneezers found Alan out at our hog barn one rainy, cold and windy day about a month and a half ago. She was and still is a scrawny little kitty that LOVES people. Now... Alan and I do not want another inside cat because the one we have ( Jerbie) is a holy terror! Alan couldn't leave this poor little kitty outside so he brought her in! BIG MISTAKE!!!!! We didn't have a name for her at first so we just called her "cat"! I know... how original! 
        She has a bad cold and sneezes all the time... So now her name is Sneezers! ( My mom named her!)  Rhya loves her and I'm pretty impressed with this little kitty! Rhya will yank, smack, pull, grab, and terrorize her and she doesn't seem to care at all! In fact Sneezers instigates this "playing". Sneezers also LOVES to chase Jerbie around the house. Sneezers and Jerbie sleep in the laundry room at night so the don't wake Rhya up to snuggle. Picture this... we're carrying the girls into the laundry room. Alan has Sneezers... quiet and purring. I have Jerbie... clawing, biting, growling with a towel around her so i don't get bitten! You see... Jerbie absolutely HATES Sneezers. I'm not sure why but every time she see her she growls and runs the opposite direction. Now I'm not sure if Sneezers has lost some brain cells because of the cold. She will chase Jerbie around the house! Just for fun! As soon as Jerbie starts running, Sneezers is not far behind! You'd have to see it in person to truly appreciate it! 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Whats on my mind...

Forgiving... I'm still working on that... I was told by a very wise gentleman that "You can't convince someone that your right, if they know your wrong." Quite a statement! I was also encouraged to ask for forgiveness. That is such a humbling act. I know I am going to need strength from my personal savior, Jesus Christ, in order to try. I am tearing up just thinking about the hardship that my family has had to go through this last year. Its so hard to think that even if I know I'm being completely honest before God and everyone else, I have to admit that I'm wrong in order to calm the storm. I have to be the bigger person, ruin my reputation and take the fall for someone else.
I am sorry that things had to turn out this way... hopefully my family will feel some sort of peace soon.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

And We're OFF!!!!!!

Rhya is crawling! What a joy it is to see her scoot around and finally get where SHE wants to go! She is quite a handful now that she mobile. She heads straight for the trash bag, cat and anything else Alan and I don't want her to have! Rhya has mastered going up our two steps from the living room to kitchen but hasn't figured out her way down yet! She LOVES big people food! I don't know whats worse... a begging dog or child!

There have been a lot of things on my mind lately and I feel that I'm in need of a friend... Don't get me wrong I have a few wonderful friends but sometimes it feels like I don't have any. I know everybody feels that way sometimes and I'm hoping its just a fleeting feeling.

I have been feeling also that I need to find a new career idea. I enjoy photography but have no idea where to start. I love what I'm doing but there are days that I don't feel motivated. Hopefully its also a passing thought... but I have a feeling its not. I was worried I was going to feel this way but I had to give it a shot. Its good that I'm not working more than I am because I'm afraid I would start to hate it. I wish God would give me a sign of what he wants me to do. All I can do is pray that he will guide through this thought process.